Smile Makeovers
Improve Your Smile With A Smile Makeovers
Few of us are born with a perfect smile—and those that are don’t necessarily keep it that way. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth, a smile makeover may be just what you need to face the world with renewed confidence.
Makeovers can involve a variety of treatments. For example, if you have stained or discoloured teeth, our Zoom!® in-office whitening procedure may be all you need to brighten your smile. Tired of flashing so much silver when you talk? Maybe it’s time to replace your old fillings with natural, tooth-coloured ones in either porcelain or composite plastic.
Damaged teeth can be made to look like new with a porcelain crown or veneer, while a bridge or implant can fill the gap left by a missing tooth. If your teeth are crooked but you can’t bear the thought of wearing traditional orthodontics, our Invisalign aligner system can straighten them without anyone even knowing, often in a very short period of time.
And if short teeth or a gummy smile are making you shy, our laser can recontour your gums in a matter of seconds, so your teeth will look fuller and more youthful.
Whatever your situation, the team at Metropolitan Dental can make your smile a winning one!