Dental Sealants




Dental Sealants

When you think back to your childhood and all the candy you bought with your allowance, it’s no wonder we had so many cavities when we were kids. It likely didn’t help that we approached brushing and flossing with the same enthusiasm we did cleaning our rooms.

Although kids haven’t changed much over the years, dentistry has. Today, plastic sealants are commonly used to help protect children’s teeth during the years when they are most susceptible to decay. Bonded into the grooves on the chewing surface of the back teeth, sealants smooth the surface of the tooth, making it easier to brush and less likely to trap food.

Although sealants are most often applied to newly erupted permanent teeth, adults with deep pits and fissures in their molars may also benefit from treatment. The procedure is simple and pain-free, and its effects can last for five years or more.

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